King Teare is the Equity stage name of Kim Tate the Artistic Director of Inter-Acting and an academic researcher currently studying a PhD at Newcastle University. Following on from the work of Augusto Boal, King Teare created Preventative Theatre as tool to combat oppression imposed by the legislative process. His work challenges inequity, encourages participation in democracy, develops citizenship and community engagement. King Teare is often on the festival circuit and recently has been performing life affirming monologues. King does walkabout theatre as a yellow robed king wearing a crown. Doing performances such as Henry The V's Saint Crispin Day, Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator, King Lear's Blow Winds plus more.
He is known for launching a consultive 'Third Chamber" in Parliament called 'The House of Arts and Human Intelligence." You can keep updated via his website below, including his academic blog:
He is known for launching a consultive 'Third Chamber" in Parliament called 'The House of Arts and Human Intelligence." You can keep updated via his website below, including his academic blog:
KNACKERED - Watch a short film King is the lead in:
Fun facts
- Charlie Brooker CV incident - King had his CV read out loud by Charlie Brooker in front of a few hundred people.
- Phil Collins drum playing approval from time 9:05 - Phil Collins complemented King's drumming live on The One Show.
- Banksy made this painting after King suggested the theme.
Preview four tracks in the style of Gangster Rap/Spoken Word, lyrics written and performed by King Teare.
Listen to original rock music published in 2011 written and sang by King Teare.