A director's note:
Honesty is the best policy! Honestly, I am a bit nervous... Not necessarily for myself and my actions but more for the whole company. It's strange being an actor, a director and a community theatre facilitator because you hold on to nerves that wouldn't usually belong to you. Especially compared to a typical actor within a typical production. Honestly, I am very proud... I'll admit I'm proud of the group and their dedication but I'm distinctly proud to be shining a light with them onto the issues surrounding mental health. And also the fact that we will be continuing to make a positive contribution on the issue. Honestly, we have learnt things... We now know mental health is linked to thoughts... We now know it's linked to labelling too... But most importantly we have discovered that community, ritual and games are a solution/ tool that can be used to support positive mental health. Our story continues... Wish us luck! www.inter-acting.co.uk/book-tickets |