What is Forum Theatre?
Forum Theatre is an interactive approach that involves the audience developing real-time strategies for dealing with social and personal issues. A story representing an issue is created, rehearsed and performed. The story is then presented again, only this second time the audience members can intervene in the story as “spect-actors,” to create a positive alternative ending. A trained Forum Theatre facilitator (the Joker) prepares and encourages participants to replace the actors on stage and to change the story in a constructive way. Forum Theatre is a powerful tool that must be used responsibly. The desired result of this creative theatrical process is positive change, but the purpose of Forum Theatre is to create theatre, not personal therapy or psychodrama. A Forum Theatre Facilitator must be a trained professional to ensure the safety of participants. |
The strategy breaks through the barrier between performers and audience, putting them on an equal footing. It enables participants to try out courses of action which could be applicable to their everyday lives. Originally the technique was developed by Boal as a political tool for change (part of the Theatre of the Oppressed), but has been widely adapted for use in educational contexts.