Inter-Acting, primarily benefits people from marginalised minorities, individuals that have low self-esteem, working with people that have a diverse background and bilingual speakers. We also endeavour to bridge the generation gaps between older and younger people, and encourage social cohesion through a healthy dialogue of issues, affecting the local community through the productions of relevant stories.
Inter-Acting is a company based on individuals, we work with groups that have a range of different issues. This will benefit the community by opening up a platform to voice the group's concerns. It will also enable the community to change on a grass level, using theatre as a catalyst to uncover and challenge social injustice. Inter-Acting produces original stories which are relevant to the community. Productions are research-based drawing on the real experiences of people to produce engaging and exciting content. In conjunction with our productions we run a variety of workshops. The community will benefit by participating in performances and workshops that become the starting point for debate, and the right place for sharing experiences around particular issues. The workshops will be tailored specifically for the different groups Inter-Acting will be dealing with. For example; a lack of self-esteem, cultural awareness, identity and isolation. The community will benefit by arts work happening within the district. This will enrich cultural life and support further participation in cultural events. The theatre will deal with the areas voiced in the community that they want to be engaged in. |
A - To create stories with and for the community, and to encourage participation in the arts. B - To deliver workshops and sessions tailored to the individuals taking part. C - To encourage interaction between different social groups. To bridge gaps and increase opportunities to develop creativity, imagination, emotional intelligence and thinking skills; opportunities to express ideas, values and feelings, to increase confidence and self esteem. D - To enrich the cultural life and provide creative activities for the benefit of the community and beyond. E - To primarily benefit people from marginalised minorities, working with people that have a diverse background, bilingual speakers, older and younger people. To encourage social cohesion through a healthy dialogue of issues, affecting the local community through the production of original and relevant plays. |
inter-acting policies
data protection/ gdpr

data_protection_-_gdpr_policies_inter-acting.pdf | |
File Size: | 129 kb |
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SAFEGUARDING vUlnerable adults and children

vulnerable_adult_and_children_policies_inter-acting.pdf | |
File Size: | 66 kb |
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Equality, diversity and inclusion

equality_diversity_and_inclusion_policies_inter-acting.pdf | |
File Size: | 121 kb |
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Volunteer Handbook

volunteer_policies_-_handbook_inter-acting.pdf | |
File Size: | 72 kb |
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code of conduct

code_of_conduct_inter-acting.pdf | |
File Size: | 64 kb |
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health_and_safety_inter-acting.pdf | |
File Size: | 71 kb |
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Financial policies

financial_policies_inter-acting.pdf | |
File Size: | 66 kb |
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